FC Joias Laboratories

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FC Joias Laboratories

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Considering the quality of our services, we count on the support of three laboratories in our blueprint, in order to guarantee the quality of our plating, monitor our process and support our operational team.

Analysis laboratory: physicochemical analysis are performed, such as: pH adjustment, titration, density and others, controlling the salt solutions in our tanks and ensuring prompt responses to eventual setbacks. With the same goal, we use the Hull Cell test to sustain the quality and beauty in our plating.

Production laboratory: with the purpose of providing support to the plating operation, our production laboratory is responsible for preparing support solutions for plating, reinforcements of additives and salts, removal of varnish, glue, dirt and other substances that impede the quality of metal deposition.

X-ray laboratory and layer: at this post we practice quality control with high-tech equipment. With X-Ray XAN 250 we control the noble metals in our baths in a daily analysis, in addition to analyzing all layers of our parts in micrometers with great precision. We have an analytical weighing-machine that is periodically calibrated and verified, ensuring accuracy in the analysis of the layers of the pieces covered in thousandths.

Exploring our structure and equipment, we invest in research and development of new products and technologies with safety and prudence, in order to provide our services with higher quality and reliability.

These managements allow us to guarantee our customers total security regarding the seriousness of the services we offer.

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